Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Toddler Pool

Well, life with a toddler in a hotel room is not always so fun, so this week I was resolved to do some new activities.  One of the Mom's I met here at the hotel, told me about the toddler pool over at the gym nearby, so yesterday we ventured there.  Getting there was pretty easy, except that there isn't a sidewalk that takes you all the way there, so we were sometimes on the street or parking lot and the Tripler Army hospital we were walking through is pretty busy.  I arrived at 10:30, but the pool didn't open until 11, so we played in the grass and waited for a half hour.  At 11, I paid my $1 and we went to the pool.  They have a great little toddler pool that Eli had a blast playing in.  Now I mentioned getting there was easy, getting back was not so much!  I had to walk up a huge hill, pushing a 40+ toddler in a stroller with all our snacks, not to mention 24 weeks pregnant to get back to the hotel... let's just say I got my workout!  Here's a few pics of Eli in the water ;).

I love his face in the picture

Playing in the fountain

I sounded like a lifeguard or my parents telling Eli to walk and not run, LOL.

He's such a chunk!

He looks like a football player to me in this picture, he just finished throwing something :)

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