I have begun the adventure of cloth diapering.... AND I love it! Well, maybe love is not the word when dealing poop and laundry and such, but every time I change a diaper I save $$ and I love that! I thought I would share what I have decided to do with the hours of I have researched about cloth diapering. Earlier this spring I bought enough diapers to try it out, so this week once I got through all the diapers I had bought and been given I went for it. Here is what I bought...
Bummis super brite diaper cover |
A Thirsties duo wrap diaper cover |
Bum Genius 3.0 All in One |
Econobum One size cover (comes with the pre-fold) |
I bought 12 infant Indian pre-fold diapers plus 5 econobum pre-folds |
This selection of diapers lasts me about 2 days, so I can do laundry about every other day and not need to use disposables at all, although when we go out they are easier. I just bought 6 Oh Katy All in One diapers (they fit from 8 -35 lbs) so they are worth the investment at $18 a piece and I did get 1 for free because they were on sale. The AIO diapers are just like disposables so they are good for Dad and changing while out and about. There is a huge learning curve on the care/laundering and the myriad of options to purchase - if anyone is curious I would be happy to answer questions, but this post would be super long if I explained it all.
I decided to try cloth diapers to save money, bottom line. I feel like because I stay at home, I have a responsibility to be a good steward of our family budget and this was a way I felt would be easy for me to do. Obviously, its not for everyone and I was the last person to think I would ever cloth diaper! It's healthier and greener, but those are secondary reasons for me.
That's awesome!! We've made the commitment to cloth diaper and are SO excited about it. Today, we actually attended a cloth diaper class to learn more about it. Have you been to Baby Awearness? They are an AWESOME store! I can't wait to buy our stuff and have our baby so we can get started!